Monday, August 31, 2015

Investigating World Cultures - In-Class Group Project (Research Report, Visuals, Cultural Fair and a Powerpoint Presentation) (6.1.2)

World Cultures WebQuest - In-class Group Project (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

What is diversity? (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Social and Cultural Diversity (6.1.2)

Identify, locate and map major cultural regions of the world (6.1.2)

My Family Cultural Project and Presentation (6.1.1)

Family Cultural Project - Due Monday, October 5th - Value - 30%

Project Outline and Rubric sent home today and fully explained in class.

Family Cultural Project

Purpose: To learn more about your family’s culture and heritage and to teach others about your culture. For those families with multiple cultures, choose ONE or TWO cultures to study.

Task: With the help of your family, research and present on a minimum of FIVE of the following aspects of your culture:

* Language

** Food (required)
In addition to describing your culture’s food, you must share TWO family recipes each typed in size 12 legible font (one recipe per page). One recipe must be a recipe of cultural significance while the other may just be a family favorite (no cultural significance required). Typed recipes must contain the following: Name of dish, origin of recipe (i.e., Grandma’s recipe), ingredients, and directions. Optional: picture of dish. Each student that provides two family recipes will receive a classroom cookbook!

* Customs/Traditions/Holidays

* Religion

* Clothing

* Arts/Music/Dance

* Sports

* Family Tree – include as many generations of your family as possible.

* Family Story – written about the HISTORY of your family

You may choose ANY of the following methods to display your information. Digital options are highly recommended.


*slide show





*other – must have teacher approval

See Family Cultural Project Rubric attached to the project outline sent home to see expectations for this project! 


What factors influence or shape culture? (6.1.1)

What factors influence or shape culture? (6.1.1)

How is culture transmitted or passed on from one generation to the next? (6.1.1)

Material and Nonmaterial Culture (6.1.1)

Material and Nonmaterial Culture (6.1.1)

Material and Nonmaterial Culture (6.1.1)

What is culture? (6.1.1)

Culture is... (6.1.1)

Culture is... (6.1.1)

Culture is... (6.1.1)

Culture is... (6.1.1)

Culture is...Graphic Organizer (6.1.1)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Unit 1 - What is culture? Culture Anchor Chart (6.1.1)

Malala Quotes

Malala Quotes

Malala Quotes

Malala Quotes

Malala Quotes

I Am Malala Quote

Read Aloud Book - I Am Malala

Fair vs. Equal

Fair vs. Equal

Grade 6 - Social Studies - Outcomes

Grade 6 - Social Studies - World Cultures


Unit One - An Introduction to Culture

6.1.1 Explore the concept of culture and demonstrate an understanding of its role in their lives

  • classify elements of culture as material or non-material

  • investigate how cultures are transmitted from generation to generation

  • identify factors that shape culture


6.1.2 Identify, locate and map major cultural regions of the world

  • recognize that there are various criteria for defining a cultural region, such as language, religion, location and place, shared traditions, and history

  • use various criteria to identify, locate and map cultural regions

  • give examples of social and cultural diversity in the world


6.1.3 Analyze the importance of cross-cultural understanding

  • give examples that illustrate the impact of cross cultural understanding or a lack of cross-cultural understanding

  • explain the concept of a stereotype

  • examine the extent to which the mass media stereotype different cultural groups

  • give examples of actions that are being taken to improve cross-cultural understanding (local, national, global)


6.1.4 Identify and explain factors that are creating a more global culture around the world 

  • describe how the movement of people impacts on cultures

  • explain how the spread of ideas and technology is creating a more global culture

  • give examples that are illustrative of a global culture


Unit Two - Environment and Culture

6.2.1 Compare climate and vegetation in different types of physical regions of the world

  • identify and locate on a world map types of physical regions, such as polar regions, rainforests, deserts and grasslands

  • give examples of the characteristics of climate and vegetation in these different types of physical regions

  • give examples of similarities and differences of the climate and vegetation in these different types of physical regions


6.2.2 Assess the relationship between culture and environment in a selected cultural region

  • identify, locate and map the cultural region selected, and identify its physical environment(s)

  • analyze how the way of life in this culture is influenced by its physical environment(s)

  • evaluate the impact that culture has on the environment


6.2.3 Compare the use of resources and sustainability practices between Canada and a selected country

  • give examples of similarities and differences in the use of resources and sustainability practices between Canada and the selected country

  • explain reasons for different perspectives on the use of resources and sustainability practices


Unit Three - Some Elements of Culture

6.3.1 Examine how traditions relate to culture in a selected cultural region

  • identify, locate and map the selected country including examples of its major features

  • describe how religious traditions influence the region's culture

  • describe how customs and rituals are reflected in the region's culture

  • analyze how change factors affect cultural traditions


6.3.2 Describe how government relates to culture in a selected country

  • identify, locate and map the selected country including examples of its major features

  • describe the government of the selected country

  • give examples of how government influences, and has influenced, culture


6.3.3 Explain how economic systems relate to cultures

  • identify different economic systems

  • examine the differences among different economic systems

  • explain how the economic programs and services of a country influence its culture

  • identify current economic trends that are influencing culture


Unit Four - Expressions of Culture

6.4.1 Analyze how the arts reflect beliefs and values in a selected cultural region

  • identify, locate and map the selected region including examples of its major features

  • identify visual arts, crafts, dance and music practiced in the region

  • analyze how music and dance reflect the beliefs and values of the culture

  • analyze how crafts and visual art reflect the beliefs and values of the culture


6.4.2 Examine the importance of language, literature, and theatre arts as expressions of culture in a selected cultural region

  • examine the extent to which language is important in preserving culture

  • use examples of literature and oral tradition to explain how cultural values and beliefs are reflected

  • demonstrate an understanding of the importance of theatre arts in expressing culture


6.4.3 Analyze the extent to which sports and games are expressions of culture in a selected cultural region  

  • explore sports and games that reflect the geographic influences of the culture

  • analyze how the sports and games reflect the beliefs and values of the culture

  • examine whether current trends reflect increased globalization in sport


 Unit Five - World Issues 


6.5.1 Analyze the effects of the distribution of wealth around the world

  • use statistical data to represent the distribution of wealth around the world

  • examine the effects of the uneven distribution of wealth on quality of life

  • define poverty and give examples of its effects 


6.5.2 Examine selected examples of human rights issues around the world

  • give examples of rights included in the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child

  • give examples of rights included in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • identify human rights issues related to rights of children

  • examine selected examples of current human rights abuses


6.5.3 Take age-appropriate actions to demonstrate an understanding of responsibilities as global citizens

  • explain the rights and responsibilities of being a global citizen

  • support a position on a local/national/international issue after considering various perspectives

  • plan and take age appropriate actions to address local/national/international problems or issues


Unit Six - Canada: Reflections on a Multicultural Mosaic

6.6.1 Illustrate an understanding of how cultures from around the world have contributed to the development of Canada's multicultural mosaic