Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Sissy Duckling - Presentation from the LGBTQI Community


Today, 6C and 6D got to listen to and discuss the lessons learned in the book, The Sissy Duckling. They also got to burst some stereotypes that still exist about boys and girls. Thank you, to Madonna Doucette, for sharing her time and information/knowledge with our Social Studies classes!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Goat Island - Mi'kmaq Cultural Presentations at SPEC

Today, Social Studies 6 students spent the afternoon immersed in Mi'kmaq Culture. There were 5 Mi'kmaq Cultural Stations set up in the SPEC gym:  

  • Waltes Game and Mi'kmaw Language
  • Hunting and Fishing 
  • Powwow Dances
  • Food - Four Cents Cake - Luskinikn (loo-skin-e-gen) is the east coast or Mi'kmaq version of west coast bannock.
  • Smudging 

 More pics will follow as we get permission forms signed to display student photos! :)